Schlagwort-Archive: Treme

Best films I saw in 2011 (not necessarily from that year)

Note: I write this article in English, because the majority of titles are, too. Also most of my colleagues I work with and possibly read this will have no problem with it. On the other hand if it wasn’t for the epd-Film magazine I used to read, there wouldn’t be a need for writing a list like this one anyway. Wherever I could I linked the trailers or the mentioned scenes, so when I write SPOILER, it’s exactly that. Watch the films first, or don’t blame me, ok? So, without further ado, here’s my 2011 winner:


It was sort of a tie with THE TREE OF LIFE by Terrence Malick, but Nicolas Winding Refn (is that a real name?) is my winner, because he cut this one down to the bare bones of the story. Don’t get me wrong, I dig the length (and height) of TOL, but Malick is a true master already, and Refn now proved to the last doubt, that he himself is one too.

Best films I saw in 2011 (not necessarily from that year) weiterlesen